Here is the best remedy storage and transport system ever invented. When I first got into Homeopathy, I wanted to have all the remedies on hand. Storing them was a big issue. Many homeopaths had grid systems constructed for them out of wood, but they had to be custom-made and lacked flexibility. They were also expensive. I looked and looked… and eventually found an outfit that could mass-produce these grids for me at a reasonable cost. All I had to do was order them in large sheets and cut them to size I needed for whatever cabinet I wanted to use for remedy storage. Gridlock® was born.
Here I am with my LM pharmacy. This 8 shelf lateral file I bought in a used office furniture store has the capacity for 2,496 1/2 dram vials per shelf or 19,968 vials total. It is only about 20% full at present, which means that I won’t need to worry about more storage space for a few more years. Nice, ah? No, I don’t use the Stolichnaya for personal internal consumption. It is great for a base solvent for LM remedies: alcohol already premixed and concentration is high enough to not freeze in Minnesota winters while sitting in the mail box outside.
The grids are presently available in 2 sizes: 1/2 inch cells which accommodate 1/2 dr. vials and Boiron and Dolisos uni-dose tubes at 576 vials per sq. foot and 3/4 inch cells, accommodating 2 dram vials and Boiron and Dolisos multi-dose tubes at 256 vials per sq. foot. Make sure you measure your vials before ordering the inserts and communicate with me to make sure you are getting the right size.
I put little round label on the caps of all vials and arrange the vials alphabetically. Finding the right remedy is a breeze… I wish it was all I had to do to find one for the patient! As more vials come from the pharmacy, my assistant easily files them in the case. I leave enough room between the vials, so the new ones go in between the existing ones, no moving around required.
You can now order the Gridlock® sheets in the exact size you need to arrange your pharmacy. You can outfit a briefcase, a drawer cabinet of your choice, an old silverware box, a tool case, anything you can imagine. The price of the grids is $45 per square foot, in 1/2 foot increments. This applies to the vial sizes mentioned above. Other sizes can be manufactured, but will cost significantly more, as I have to pay high setup fees. If I get a lot of requests for other sizes we will have them manufactured in large quantity and the price will come down. Do call and let us know what size grids you would like. We’ll keep your request on file and call you when they become available
If you don’t have a good cabinet to put Gridlock® into, may I suggest some ideas. Currently my favorite beginner-homeopath storage solution is the Ikea Helmer 6 drawer cabinet. Please click on the buttons of the menu above for more ideas. All these can be made with any combination of 1/2 dr. or 2 dr. grids. As I find more convenient boxes and cabinets I will put them there. Al these are available from office stores, Target, ebay, etc. Steel tool boxes like those mechanics use work very well. If you find something nice, drop me a line.
To order the Gridlock® inserts please call my office at 952-933-8900 and ask to speak with Dr. Mirman, or send me a message.
You can pay with a credit card by phone or Fax, or paypal to my email address Checks, cash and gold and silver coins are OK as well. We do not accept shells, beans and chickens.
If you would like to become a distributor, we would love to hear from you.
And here is another thing that may interest you. I wrote a little book Demystifying Homeopathy, which is available on-line at I humbly believe it is the best concise explanation of Homeopathy on the market. Many people agree. Your patients or clients will love it. Check it out!